Supreme Council Office
The Knights of Columbus international headquarters is located in New Haven, Connecticut. Led by the Supreme Knight, the chief executive officer of the Knights, the office provides administrative support and leadership for our more than 14,000 local units. The supreme officers are:
Supreme Knight (chief executive)
Supreme Chaplain (a voting member of the board)
Deputy Supreme Knight
Supreme Secretary
Supreme Treasurer
Supreme Advocate
Supreme Warden
The day-to-day business of the Order is conducted from the Supreme Council office in New Haven. All the officers, except the supreme chaplain and the supreme warden, work here on a full-time basis. The office has approximately 700 employees. For more information visit
State Office
The Florida State Office helps to disseminate information to Chapters and Councils from the Supreme Office and is led by the State Deputy and his team of officers. There are several hundred councils in the State of Florida. Information on the State Office can be found at The State Council annually elects the State Council officers who are, by title:
State Deputy (chief executive)
State Chaplain (appointed)
State Secretary
State Treasurer
State Advocate
State Warden
Each state council is divided into districts - groupings of several local councils. Each District is led by a District Deputy as a representative of the State Office. A District Deputy may oversee 4-7 councils. Florida currently has 85 Districts.
Local Councils
Local councils are the basic unit of the Knights. Most are based in parishes, though some have their own council hall within a community. Each local council works to assist with the needs of its community consistent with the principles of the Order. The local council is led by the Grand Knight. There are approximately 140 members in St. Patrick Council 13307. At monthly business meetings, council members hear the proposals of various committees, decide which activities, programs and charitable causes the council will pursue and how the council will allocate its funds. They also vote on applications for membership and hear the reports of key council officers and directors. To be a council officer, a Knight must be a Third Degree member of the Order. Council officers are:
Grand Knight
Chaplain (the chaplain is appointed and must be a priest)
Deputy Grand Knight
Financial Secretary (appointed)
Lecturer (appointed)
Inside/Outside Guards
Trustees (three in number)
Field Agent
Every council is assigned a certified insurance agent, who is a Knight and represents the Supreme Council, and whose job it is to provide our top-rated products to our members and their families. The Field Agent assigned to Council 13307 is Brother Frank Burns, who is committed to helping members and their families prepare for their financial stability in the future. Each Field Agent oversees several councils in their geographical area.